Offers and courses

As an academic at Jobcenter Copenhagen, you have access to several offers and the opportunity to apply for a grant for a course.

Read about your access to different offers and the opportunity to apply for a grant for a course through the jobcenter. 

Waiting for a response on a course application?

The processing time is up to 3 weeks from the time we receive all necessary information to be able to process your application. 

We might contact you on the phone - either from a secret number or the Jobcenter's main number.

FAQ: Offers and courses

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What offers do you have for me?

As an academic in Jobcenter Copenhagen, there are several areas, where you can get inspiration that will guide you on your way to the next job:

  • Get sparring on your job search during the meetings at the Jobcenter. For example, you can gain knowledge about what has worked for other candidates in the same situation, learn which industries are in growth, and how you can think outside the box in your job search.

  • Get signed up for a course focused on job search if you need more advice and guidance. Please talk with your consultant about the possibilities during the meetings at the Jobcenter.

  • Get help finding an internship or a wage subsidy. Talk with your consultant about the possibilities.

How do I apply to attend a self-chosen course paid for by the Jobcenter?

If you wish to apply for a course paid by the Jobcenter, please write to us via Digital Post.

When you apply, please send us the following information

  • A text motivating why you apply for the course (describe why the course is the shortest way to get a job for you)
  • Preferably, an employer's declaration of employment after completion of the course.
  • A link to the course
  • The course title
  • The course provider (must have a Danish cvr number)
  • The price of the course
  • The start date and period of the course

If the course is part of the regional positive list, you also need to provide the following information

  • Which positive list the course is listed on (Hovedstadens, Sjællands eller Bornholms).
  • The listing number which can be found in the left column in the excel/pdf sheet on the website for the positive lists.

In order to process your application it is important that it contains all the information.

You can expect a response within 3 weeks

You will receive a reply within 3 weeks from the time we have received all the information to be able to process your application. It is therefore important that you submit all the information on the list.

Upgrade your competences using an internship

We recommend that you explore the possibilities of upgrading your competences in other ways. If you in need for new skills, you could, for example, get it through an internship.

Typically, it is work experience rather than education, that makes the difference in the job search for an academic.

Learn how to use an internship strategically in your job search


How do I apply for a self-paid course, chosen by myself?

If you are going to a do self-paid course, you must first notify your unemployment insurance fund (A-kasse). They will determine whether you are actively pursuing job offers (til rådighed) in the job market (arbejdsmarkedet) while you are attending the course.

Am I eligible for self-selected six weeks of job-oriented training?

No, as you have completed a master’s degree or higher, you are not entitled to the six-week job-oriented training course.

Upgrade your competences using an internship

We recommend that you explore the possibilities of upgrading your competences in other ways. If you in need for new skills, you could, for example, get it through an internship.

Typically, it is work experience rather than education, that makes the difference in the job search for an academic.

Learn how to use an internship strategically in your job search

Am I eligible for a vocational course (erhvervsrettet kursus fra positivlisterne)?

You are not entitled to a course, but you are always welcome to apply for it on. We will process your application by assessing whether the course is the initiative that will be the quickest way to employment.

We recommend that you explore the possibilities of upgrading your competences in other ways. If you in need for new skills, you could, for example, get it through an internship.

Typically, it is work experience rather than education, that makes the difference in the job search for an academic.

Learn how to use an internship strategically in your job search


Other methods to update your qualifications.

Explore which options your unemployment insurance fund or your union, can offer in relation to updating your qualifications.